Optative mood (Surgut Khanty)

NoOptInfl: There is no distinct verbal paradigm to express the optative mood.

(1) məta tɔ̄ɣi-nə oʌəŋ qantək ojaɣtə-ʌ-əm.

something place-loc only_if Khanty man notice-prs-1sg

‘If only I met somebody.’ (Csepregi 1998: 78.)

(2) ʌüw oʌəŋ nopt-əʌ qowit məŋati-nat waʌ-ʌ.

he/she only_if age-3sg long we-com be-prs.3sg

‘If only he/she were with us in his/her whole life.’ (Csepregi 1998: 85.)

In Surgut Khanty, the speakers wish is expressed by the oʌəŋ ‘if only’ particle and the verb is conjugated in the indicative.


Márta Csepregi