Marking of dependent content questions (Surgut Khanty)

Cq: Dependent and independent content questions are structurally identical.

(1) ʌüw pӯri-jəɣ, qojaɣi jowət.

he/she ask-pst.3sg who arrive.pst.3sg

‘He/she asked who had arrived.’ (L. N. K.)

(2) ʌüw pӯri-jəɣ, qoʌ-nam ʌoŋ-in miša mən-ʌ.

he/she ask-pst.3sg where-apr summer-loc Misha go-prs.3sg

‘He/she asked where Misha was travelling that summer.’ (L. N. K.)

(3) ʌüw pӯri-jəɣ, müw-at čēwər pəʌ-ɣəʌ qoq-qən.

he/she ask-pst.3sg what-fin rabbit ear-du long-du

‘He/she asked why the ears of the rabbit were long.’ (L. N. K.)

(4) ʌüw pӯri-jəɣ, qoʌ-nə Hanty-Mansijsk-a jowət-ta.

he/she ask-pst.3sg where-loc Khanty-Mansiysk-lat get-inf

‘He/she asked how one could get to Khanty-Mansiysk.’ (L. N. K.)

In Surgut Khanty, dependent and independent content questions do not differ from each other. The subordinate clause is initiated by the qojaɣi ‘who’ (1), qoʌnam ‘where’ (2), müwat ‘why’ (3), qoʌnә ‘how’ (4), etc. interrogative pronouns.


Márta Csepregi