Nom: Two categories are distinguished from a morphosyntactic perspective: 1. [Sa, Snona, Aa and Anona]; 2. [P]. This type is known as nominative or nominative–accusative.
(1) ʌüw pəʌ-ʌ.
(s)he fear-prs.3sg
‘He/she is afraid.’
(2) ʌüw ɔ̄məs-ʌ.
(s)he sit-prs.3sg
‘He/she is sitting.’
(3) ʌüw ʌāŋki ojaɣtə-ɣ.
(s)he squirrel notice-pst.3sg
‘He/she noticed a squirrel.’
(4) ʌüw qɔ̄t wär-ʌ.
(s)he house make-prs.3sg
‘He/she is building a house.’
In Surgut Khanty, the nominal subject/agent of both intransitive (1)–(2) and transitive (3)–(4) verbs is marked with the nominative case. The agents of verbs that express intentional or unintentional actions, existential events, or states are marked the same way.