Pronominal and adnominal demonstratives (Surgut Khanty)

AdnDemNotPronDem: Adnominal demonstratives differ from pronominal demonstratives in (at least) their stems.

concrete abstract

pronominal adnominal pronominal adnominal

near tēmi tēm ťit ťi

far tomi tom ťūt ťū

(1a) tēm qɔ̄t jəʌəp, tom qɔ̄t ɔ̄ʌqas.

this house new that house old

’This house is new, that house is old.’ (L. N. K.)

(1b) tēmi jəʌəp, tomi ɔ̄ʌqas.

this new that old

’This one is new, that one is old.’ (L. N. K.)

(2) mɔ̄ʌqatʌ tom pūɣəʌ-a rūť īmi jowət. ťū īmi wū-ʌ-em.

yesterday that village-lat Russian woman arrive.pst.3sg I that woman know-prs-obj.1sg

’Yesterday, a Russian woman arrived in the neighboring village. I know that woman.’ (L. N. K.)

(3) moskwa toŋqə ənəʌ wɔ̄č. ťīt sankt-peterburg kīńťa ənəʌ. ťī wɔ̄č-nə waʌ-ta

Moscow very big city this Saint Petersburg cmpr big I this city-loc live-inf

əntə ʌaŋq-ʌ-əm.

neg want-prs-1sg

’Moscow is a very big city. It is even bigger than Saint Petersburg. I don’t want to live in this city.’ (L. N. K.)

(4a) jawən qɔ̄nəŋ-nə rӯt. ťū rӯt-nat mən-ʌ-əm.

river bank-loc boat I that boat-com go-prs-1sg

’There is boat on the river bank. I’m going with that boat.’ (L. N. K.)

(4b) jawən qɔ̄nəŋ-nə rӯt. ťūt-nat mən-ʌ-əm.

river bank-loc boat I that-com go-prs-1sg

’There is a boat on the river bank. I’m going with that one.’ (L. N. K.)

In Surgut Khanty, the adnominal demonstrative pronouns are shorter than the pronominal demonstratives, and they do not take the suffixes of their heads. Pronominal demonstrative pronouns have the same declension paradigm as nouns.


Márta Csepregi