Associative plural (Hungarian)

SpAffPlAsc: A special affix on the noun is used to mark the associative plural.

(1)    kovács-ék mozi-ba men-nek.

Kovács-asc cinema-ill   go-prs.3pl

’Kovács and his family are going to the cinema.’

(2)    berci-ék mozi-ba men-nek.

Berci-asc cinema-ill go-prs.3pl

’Berci and his friends are going to the cinema.’

(3)    a szomszéd-ék holnap el-utaz-nak.

the neighbor-asc tomorrow away-travel-prs.3pl

’The neighbors are leaving tomorrow’

Comments: The associative plural marker in Hungarian (-ék) can be attached to proper nouns (1), (2) and common nouns (3). The suffix can specify people or anthropomorphized entities (cf. Kenesei et al. 1998: 254‒255), and its primary meaning denotes the family of the referent (1). Further possible meanings: the referent and his friends, peers (2), or an occasional group.


Nikolett F. Gulyás