ExtRel: The head appears outside the relative clause. This is called an external relative clause.
(1) juxan pitar-n ūl-ti iki jam wɔ̄j wēl-ti xū.
river opposite-loc live-prs.ptc man good animal kill-prs.ptc man
‘The man living on the opposite bank of the river is a good hunter.’ (S. O.)
(2) tam iki, mati juxan pitar-n ū-l, jam wɔ̄j wel-ti xū.
the man who river opposite-loc live-prs.3sg good animal kill-prs.ptc man
‘The man, who lives on the opposite bank of the river, is a good hunter.’ (S. O.)
In Synja Khanty, relative subordination is expressed by participle constructions (1), although it is also possible to use relative pronouns to initiate the relative clause (2) (Honti 1984: 102‒106, Nikolaeva 1999a: 77‒88, S. O.). The head noun of the subordination in both cases is outside the relative clause.