Demonstrative and personal pronouns in subject position (Hungarian)

PP~DemSubj: Although third-person personal pronouns exist, they can always be substituted in subject position by demonstrative pronouns.

(1) ismer-ed peti-t? ő egy színész.

know-prs.obj.2sg Peter-acc he an actor

’Do you know Peter? He is an actor.’

(2) ismer-ed peti-t? az egy színész.

know-prs.obj.2sg Peter-acc det an actor

’Do you know Peter? He is an actor.’

(3) lát-od ott a fiú-k-at? ők színészek.

see- prs.obj.2sg there the boy-pl-acc they actor-pl

’Do you see those boys there? They are actors.’

(4) lát-od ott a fiú-k-at? az-ok színész-ek.

see- prs.obj.2sg there the boy-pl-acc det-pl actore-pl

’Do you see those boys there? They are actors.’

(5) látod ott a könyvet? az a kedvenc-em.

see-prs.obj.2sg there the book-acc det the favorite-1sg

’Do you see that book there? That is my favorite.’

The personal pronouns in the third person (ő ’he/she/it’, ők ’they’) and the demonstrative pronouns pointing to a farther location (az ‘that’, azok ‘those’) form two independent categories in Hungarian. Demonstrative pronoun subjects can refer to animate (1)-(4) and inanimate (5) entities in the singular and the plural alike. Demonstrative pronouns referring to animate entities are mostly used in the spoken language.


Nikolett F. Gulyás