Reflexive pronouns and intensifiers (Synja Khanty)

Refl~Intens: Reflexive pronouns and intensifiers are partially identical in form.

(1) imi luwel wēš wan-ti ot-ən wanla-l-li.

woman she.acc face look-prs.ptc thing-loc look-prs-obj.3sg

‘The woman is watching herself in the mirror.’ (S. O.)

(2) luw isa luw ēʟte-l nomǝs-l.

(s)he always (s)he -from-3sg think-prs.3sg

‘He/she only thinks about himself/herself.’ (S. O.)

(3) iki luwel luw xɔ̄t ops-əs.

man he.acc he house build-pst.3sg

‘The man built the house himself.’ (S. O.)

In Synja Khanty, reflexive pronouns and intensifiers do not exist as grammatical categories. The reflexive function is expressed by the (possessive-suffixed) accusative form of the personal pronoun (1), or by taking a postposition (2) which is coreferent with the subject. Intensification is expressed by the reduplication of the personal pronoun (cf. Honti 1984: 72‒73, S. O.).


Nikolett F. Gulyás