Order of person markers on the verb (Synja Khanty)

NoP: The verb shows person agreement only with A.

(1) naŋen ūjat-l-em.

I you.acc know-prs-obj.1sg

‘I know you.’ (S. O.)

(2) luwel ūjat-l-em.

I (s)he.acc know-prs-obj.1sg

‘I know him/her.’ (S. O.)

(3) miša ūjat-l-em.

I Misha know-prs-obj.1sg

‘I know Misha.’ (S. O.)

(4) lijlal ūjat-l-em.

I they.acc know-prs-obj.1sg

‘I know them.’ (S. O.)

(5) miša manem ūjat-l-alli.

Misha I.acc know-prs-obj.3sg

‘Misha knows me.’ (S. O.)

(6) miša muŋew ūjat-l-alli.

Misha we.acc know-prs-obj.3sg

‘Misha knows us.’ (S. O.)

In Synja Khanty, the verb is agreed with the subject (agent) in number and person, and with the object (patient) in number (Honti 1984: 99‒101, Onina 2009, S. O.).


Nikolett F. Gulyás