Case endings on nonfinites (Hungarian)

VInf=NomCase: Case is marked on nouns; some case affixes attach to nonfinites as well, but only when these nonfinites serve a pronominal function.

(1) melyik húst kér-ed? a sül-t-et.

which meat-acc ask for-prs.obj.2sg the roast-pst.ptc-acc

’Which meat would you like to have? The roasted one.’

(2) melyik lány-nak ad-sz virág-ot? az énekl-ő-nek

which girl-dat give-prs.2sg flower-acc the sing-prs.ptc-dat

’Which girl are you giving the flower to? To the one who is singing.’

In contemporary Hungarian, the adjectival participle can only take case-marking suffixes in pronominal function. In the past, however, finite verb forms could be used in adverbial positions (cf. D. Mátai 2003a: 207‒210, Haader 2003: 260‒262) often as substitutes for subordinate clauses (just like in other related languages). For example:

(3) jár-t-am-ban (találkoz-t-am egy ismerős-sel).

go-pst.ptc-1sg-ine meet-pst-1sg a acquaintance-com

’As I was wandering about, I met an acquaintance of mine.’ = ’I met one of my acquaintances somewhere.’


Nikolett F. Gulyás