Sentence structure of possessor predication (Synja Khanty)

PsrPrd=Adn: Possessor predication displays the same structure as that of adnominal possessive constructions.

PsrPrdKopSpec: The predicate is copular; the possessor is marked by the use of a special form.

(1) tam kēši āś-em kēši.

this knife father-1sg knife

‘This knife is my father’s knife.’ (S. O.)

(2) tam āś-em kēši.

this father-1sg knife

‘This is my father’s knife.’ (S. O.)

(3) tam kēši manem.

this knife I.dat

‘This is my knife.’ (S. O.)

(4) tam kēši manem ū-s.

this knife I.dat be-pst.3sg

‘This knife was mine.’ (S. O.)

(5) tam kēšem.

this I knife-1sg

‘This is my knife.’ (S. O.)

(6) tam xoj kēši? manem.

this who knife I.dat

‘Whose knife is it? Mine.’ (S. O.)

(7) tam xoj kēši ū-s? manem (ū-s).

this who knife be-pst.3sg I.dat be-pst.3sg

‘Whose knife was it? Mine.’ (S. O.)

In Synja Khanty, possessor predications can be expressed in two ways. In the first case, the possessor predication is identical with the adnominal possessive construction (2), (5). The possessed entity is often reduplicated in this construction (1). In the other construction, which is also common, the possessor, expressed by a personal pronoun, takes an accusative-dative case ending (3)–(4), (6)–(7).


Nikolett F. Gulyás