Morphological negation (Hungarian)

NegPtclStc: Negation of the predicate is expressed through the use of a standard negative word, which can also function alone as a sentence.

(1) ma nem megy-ek bolt-ba.

today neg go-prs.1sg shop-ill

‘I’m not going to the shop today.’

(2a) ad-sz nekem pénz-t?

give-prs.2sg I.dat money-acc

‘Can you give me some money?’

(2b) nem, nem ad-ok.

neg neg give-1sg

‘No, I won’t give you.’

In Hungarian, the predicate can be negated with the nem negative particle. The same particle is used for the negation of whole sentences, which can even be combined with predicate negation (2b) (cf. É. Kiss 2002: 130‒136, Kenesei et al. 1998: 112‒114, Kugler 2000d).


Nikolett F. Gulyás