Marking of dependent polar questions (Hungarian)

(InitCpl): The only structural difference between dependent and independent polar questions is the optional use of a clause­initial subordinating complementizer with the former.

Q: The only structural difference between dependent and independent polar questions is the obligatory use of a question particle with the former.

(1) itt hideg van?

here cold cop.prs.3sg

‘Is it cold here?’

(2a) peti az-t kérdez-t-e, itt hideg van-e.

Peti that-acc ask-pst-obj.3sg here cold cop.prs.3sg-q

‘Peti asked whether it was cold here.’

(2b) peti az-t kérdez-t-e, hogy itt hideg van-e.

Peti that-acc ask-pst-obj.3sg that here cold cop.prs.3sg-q

‘Peti asked whether it was cold here.’

In Hungarian, embedded polar questions can be initiated by the hogy conjunction. Though the question particle does not usually appear in polar questions (because interrogativity is expressed by the intonation), the -e question particle is compulsory in embedded polar questions (cf. Kenesei et al. 1998: 31‒32).


Nikolett F. Gulyás