Morphosyntactic alignment of pronouns (S, A) (Hungarian)

Nom: Two categories are distinguished from a morphosyntactic perspective: 1. [Sa, Snona, Aa and Anona];  2. [P]. This type is known as nominative or nominative–accusative.

(1) ő fél.

(s)he fear.prs.3sg

‘(S)he is afraid.’

(2) ő ül.

(s)he sit.prs.3sg

‘(S)he is sitting.’

(3) ő szeret-i a rockzené-t.

(s)he like-prs.obj.3sg the rock_music-acc

‘(S)he likes rock music.’

(4) ő egy cikk-et olvas.

(s)he an article-acc read.prs.3sg

‘(S)he isreading an article.’

In Hungarian, the nominal subject/agent of both intransitive (1)–(2) and transitive (3)–(4) verbs is marked with the nominative case. The patient of a transitive clause takes the accusative case.


Nikolett F. Gulyás