Nominal and locational predication (Synja Khanty)

ShareZero: Nominal and locational predicates are formed without the use of a copula or auxiliary verb.

+Cmnt: Although the language displays the features of the above value, additional information is needed to clarify its type.

(1) luw pirš imi.

she old woman

‘She is an old lady.’ (S. O.)

(2) pirš imi.

I old woman

‘I’m an old woman.’ (S. O.)

(3) luw jūrǝŋ.

(s)he brave

‘(S)he is brave.’ (S. O.)

(4) naŋ jūrǝŋ.

you brave

‘You are brave.’ (F. L.)

(5) luw jōl-n.

(s)he home-loc

‘(S)he is at home.’ (F. L.)

(6) ul-et tāś-n.

reindeer-pl meadow-loc

‘The reindeers are on the meadow.’ (S. O.)

(7) āj ēwi-ja ū-s-əm.

I little girl-lat be-pst-1sg

‘I lived as a little girl.’ (S. O.)

In Synja Khanty, the copula is not used in present tense nominal and locational predicates (irrespective of the person and number of the subject) (Nikolaeva 1999a: 40‒41, S. O., F. L.). With non-present tense sentences, the different forms of the ūl ‘be, live’ verb is used with both predicate types.


Nikolett F. Gulyás