Word order of adverbial subordinators within embedded clauses (Surgut Khanty)

SuffAdvSb: The language uses suffixes as a means for embedded adverbial subordination that appear (directly or indirectly) after the verbal stem.

(1) mīša jaqə ʌaŋ-m-aʌ-nə māša kēm ʎīwət.

Misha in enter-pst.ptc-3sg-loc Masha out exit.pst.3sg

‘As Misha entered (the room), Masha left.’ (L. N. K.)

(2) ūɣ-əm kəčə woʌ-m-aʌ-at, lēkar-nam mən-əm.

head-1sg sick be-pst.ptc-3sg-fin I doctor-apr go-pst.1sg

‘I went to the doctor because I had a headache.’ (L. N. K.)

(3) lēli-ʌ-nat ńūʌ wū-tə pətan mīša wɔ̄č-nam mən.

brother-3sg-com together see-prs.ptc because Misha city-apr go.pst.3sg

‘Misha went to the town to see his brother.’ (L. N. K.)

In Surgut Khanty adverbial embedded subordinations, case markers (1)–(2) or postpositions (3) are attached to the participle.


Márta Csepregi