Word order of dependent polar questions (Synja Khanty)

OblPq=Pq: The word order of dependent polar questions is the same as in independent polar questions.

(1) mɔ̄jǝŋxu jik jiś-ǝl.

guest water drink-prs.3sg

‘The guest is drinking water.’ (S. O.)

(2) mɔ̄jǝŋxu jik jiś-ǝl?

guest water drink-prs.3sg

‘Is the guest drinking water?’ (S. O.)

(3) luw inśǝs-s-əlli, mɔ̄jǝŋxu jik jiś-ǝl.

(s)he ask-pst-obj.3sg guest water drink-prs.3sg

‘(S)he asked whether the guest was drinking water.’ (S. O.)

(4) mɔ̄jǝŋxu jik jiś-ǝl, luw inśǝs-s-əlli.

guest water drink-prs.3sg (s)he ask-pst-obj.3sg

‘(S)he asked whether the guest was drinking water.’ (S. O.)

(5) mɔ̄jǝŋxu jik amuj jiś-ǝl, luw inśǝs-s-əlli.

guest water whether drink-prs.3sg (s)he ask-pst-obj.3sg

‘(S)he asked whether the guest was drinking water.’ (S. O.)

In Synja Khanty, the basic word order is SOV in indicatives (1), simple polar questions (2) and embedded polar questions (3)–(5). The subordinate polar question can be marked by the amuj ‘whether’ particle, which, however, does not affect the word order of the clause (S. O., F. L.).


Nikolett F. Gulyás