Periphrastic causatives (Northern Mansi)

IntPfrCC: Causatives are expressed through the use of a nonfinite verb form, special verbal mood, and either a verbal case affix or a special particle in the clause expressing the caused event. This type is known as an intentional causative construction.

(1) oma-m sup jūnti.
mother-1sg shirt sew.prs.3sg
‘My mother is sewing a shirt.’ (S. D.)

(2) oma-m jiγriś-um maγǝs ūp-um-n sup jūntup-t-i.
mother-1sg sister-1sg for aunt-1sg-dat shirt sew-caus-prs.3sg
‘My mother made my aunt sew a shirt for my sister.’ (S. D.)

(3) ńawram oma-te-n ńāń tē-ŋkwe lāwa-we.
child mother-3sg-dat bread eat-inf say-pass.prs.3sg
‘The mother is feeding her child with bread.’ (S. D.)

In Northern Mansi, causation can be expressed morphologically (Riese 2001) (cf. (1) and (2)) as well as periphrastically. The latter construction consists of the verb lāwi ‘say’ and the infinitive of the verb depicting the caused event (cf. (2) and (3)). In passive sentences, the causer is in the lative-dative case, which functions as an agent marker, while the element coding the caused event is, again, in the infinitive (cf. (2) and (3)).


Szilvia Németh