Locus in the verb phrase (Synja Khanty)

VMk: Neither the agent nor the patient is marked, but they are both marked on the verb. (Agreement is shown with both the unmarked agent and the unmarked patient.)

VDepMk[ONonA]: The patient is marked as such, while the agent is not. Both the unmarked agent and the marked patient are marked on the verb. (Two­way agreement is shown; the agent is unmarked.)

(1) wēr-l-əm.

I make-prs-1sg

‘I’m making something.’ (Onina 2009: 35)


(2) ūxl-em wēr-l-em.        

I slege-1sg make-prs-obj.1sg

‘I’m carving my sledge.’ (Onina 2009: 37)


(3) ūxəl-ŋən wēr-l-əlam.

I sledge-du make-prs-du.obj.1sg

‘I’m carving two sledges.’ (Onina 2009: 38)


(4) ūxl-ət wēr-l-əlam.

I sledge-pl make-prs-pl.obj.1sg

‘I’m carving the sledges.’ (Onina 2009: 38)


(5) lij manem šijələ-s-ət.

they I.acc notice-pst-3pl

‘They noticed me.’ (Onina 2011: 53)

In Synja Khanty, the verb agrees with the subject in person and number and with the object in number (Sg, Du, Pl) (cf. Honti 1984, Onina 2009). Nominal subjects and objects are unmarked, however, less dominantly, pronominal objects are marked.


Nikolett F. Gulyás