Word order of purposive constructions

Purposive constructions describe a relationship of two events, in which the main event must occur in order to allow the second, also known as the purpose event. In this construction, the phrase describing the purpose event inside a simple clause is called the purpose complement (as opposed to a separate purpose clause).[1] This parameter considers the position of the purpose complement (PC) relative to the main event.


NoPC: The language uses a strategy other than purpose-complement constructions to express relationships of purpose.[2]

PCV: The purpose complement generally precedes the main event.

VPC: The purpose complement generally follows the main event.

When a language displays both types, two values can be listed. If one type is dominant, a slash (/) can separate the two values, with the dominant value appearing first; if neither is dominant, they are listed with an ampersand (&) separating the two.


[1] A purpose complement is a phrase, while a purpose clause constitutes a full clause. Purpose complement: He called me up to tell me the news. Purpose clause:  He called me up so he could tell me the news.

[2] This value cannot apply if the value of the parameter Purpose-complement marking is NoPurpMark, PurpWV1, or PurpWV2.