Sentence structure of possessor predication (Northern Mansi)

PsrPrd=Adn: Possessor predication displays the same structure as that of adnominal possessive constructions.

(1) ti χum kasaj-e.
this man knife-3sg
‘This knife is the man’s.’ (S.D.)

(2) ti χum kasaj-e.
this man knife-3sg
‘This is the man’s knife.’ (S.D.)

(3) χum āmp ōńśi.
man dog habeo.prs.3sg
‘The man has a dog.’ (S.D.)

In Northern Mansi, the structure of possessor predications (1) and adnominal possessive constructions (2) is identical. However, habitive sentences and possessor predications differ from each other both in terms of how the predication is construed and how the possessed entity is marked. In possessor predications, the possessive relationship is expressed by the copula, which only appears in non-present and non-indicative sentences (Riese 2001). Present tense indicative clauses are marked with a zero copula. The possessed entity (just like in the adnominal possessive construction) takes a possessive personal suffix (Riese 2001).


Szilvia Németh