Desiderative constructions (Northern Mansi)

ImplInf: The desired event is expressed by an infinitive appearing as the object of the verb ‘want’.

(1) am lapka-n min-uŋkwe taŋχ-ēγ-um.
I shop-lat go-inf want-prs-1sg
‘I want to go to the shop.’ (S. D.)

(2) akwmatērtn χottaľ min-ne nomt-n joxtu-we-s.
suddenly somewhere go-ptc.prs urge-lat come-pass.3sg-pst
‘Suddenly, I felt the urge to go.’ (Kálmán 1976: 75)

In Northern Mansi, the desired event is expressed by an infinitive appearing as the object of the verb ‘want’. There is also another, alternative construction (2), where the agent of the passive construction is the noun meaning ‘idea, wish’ (in the example the lative suffix is the agent marker). The construction would fit perfectly in the ExplN parameter; however, it was not registered as a typological feature due to the archaic and stylistic nature of the construction (actually, it only appears in folk tales).


Szilvia Németh