PossAff~NonАff: The use of personal possessive affixes on the possessed noun is always optional, with no semantic distribution.
(1) qō ʌājəm
man axe
’the man’s axe’
(2) äwi säm-ɣən
girl eye-du
’the girl’s two eyes’
(3) ma säm-ɣəʌ-am
I eye-du-1sg
’my two eyes’
(4) ma jēj-em
I brother-1sg
’my brother’
(5) jūwan jēji
Ivan brother
’Ivan’s brother’
(6) jūwan qūt-əʌ ťətti
Ivan house-3sg here
’Ivan’s house is here.’
In Surgut Khanty, marking the person of the possessor is semantically optional if the possessor is expressed by a noun phrase, so it does not depend on the lexical properties of the possessed entity. However, if the possessor is expressed by a personal pronoun, it is compulsory to mark the person of the possessor on the possessed entity.