DitrCeeInstr: The causee appears in the instrumental case.
(1) zoli egy könyv-et ad istván-nak.
Zoli a book-acc give.prs.3sg István-dat
’Zoli is giving a book to István.’
(2) zoli egy könyv-et ad-at istván-nak ádám-mal.
Zoli a book-acc give-caus.prs.3sg István-dat Ádám-inst
’Zoli makes Ádám to give István a book.’
In Hungarian, morphological causation is coded with the -at/-et, -tat/-tet derivational suffixes (Keszler 2000a: 307‒320). The causee is marked with the instrumental case in the causative construction, while the causer takes the nominative (É. Kiss 2002: 36‒37).