Coding of the causee in intransitive constructions (Hungarian)

IntrCeeAccP: The causee appears as the direct object; in nominative languages, this is the accusative case.

(1) a fiú nevet.

the boy laugh.prs.3sg

‘The boy is laughing.’

(2) a lány meg-nevet-tet-i a fiú-t.

the girl pref-laugh-caus-prs.obj.3sg the boy-acc

‘The girl makes the boy laugh.’

In Hungarian, morphological causation is coded with the ­-at/-­et,  -­tat/-­tet derivational suffixes (Keszler 2000a: 307‒320). The causee is marked with the accusative case in the intransitive causative construction, while the causer takes the nominative (É. Kiss 2002: 36‒37).


Nikolett F. Gulyás