FSThth: Each ordinal numeral is derived, through the same pattern, from the root of the corresponding cardinal numeral, with the exception of numerals expressing small values. Prototypically, this is limited to ‘first’ and ‘second,’ but can in some cases extend beyond these two. This is also known as the “first, second, threeth” type.
cardinal numerals | ordinal numerals | ||
egy | ‘one’ | első | ‘first’ |
kettő | ‘two’ | máso-dik | ‘second’ |
három | ‘three’ | harma-dik | ‘third’ |
négy | ‘four’ | negye-dik | ‘fourth’ |
öt | ‘five’ | ötö-dik | ‘fifth’ |
In Hungarian, ordinal numbers are formed with the help of the -dik derivational suffix. There are only two suppletive forms: első ’first’ and második ’second’, whereas their derivatives, like any other ordinal numerals, follow the rule: tizenegyedik ’eleventh’, tizenkettedik ’twelfth’ etc.