Nominal and verbal conjunctions (Hungarian)

NomConj=VConj: Nominal conjunction and verbal conjunction are expressed through the use of the same coordinating conjunction(s).

(1) peti és kati barát-ok.

Peti and Kati friends-pl

‘Peti and Kati are friends.’

(2) ma este táncol-unk és énekel-ünk.

today evening dance-prs.1pl and sing-prs.1pl

‘We are dancing and singing tonight.’

(3) be-megy-ek a könyvtár-ba, és ott fog-unk találkoz-ni.

into-go-prs.1sg the library-ill and there fut-1pl meet-inf

‘I’m going to the library, and we’ll meet there.’

(4) szarvas, róka és vaddisznó is él az erdő-ben.

deer fox and wild_boar also live.prs.3sg the forest-ine

‘deers, foxes, and also wild boars live in the forest.’

In Hungarian, nominal, verbal, and clause coordination is signaled by the complementizer és ‘and’ (alternatively s ‘and’, valamint ‘moreover’, továbbá ‘furthermore’). The coordinated elements (nominals, verbs, and clauses) can be put next to each other without complementizers, which is typical if more than 2 linguistic elements are coordinated.


Nikolett F. Gulyás