SuffT: Tense is expressed through the use of a special suffix.
PerifT: Tense is expressed periphrastically.
(1) bence tanulmány-t ír.
Bence article-acc write.prs.3sg
‘Bence is writing an article.’
(2) bence ma este tanulmány-t ír. / fog ír-ni.
Bence today evening article-acc write.prs.3sg fut.3sg write-inf
‘Bence is going to write an article today evening.’
(3) bence tanulmány-t ír-t.
Bence article-acc write-pst.3sg
‘Bence wrote an article./Bence was writing an article.’
In Hungarian, the present tense is coded by a zero morpheme, which also serves as a future tense marker (1), (2). The past tense is marked by the t, tt morphemes (3). The future tense can also be expressed by the present tense form of the auxiliary fog and the infinitive of the main verb (cf. Kugler 2000a: 104‒123, Kiefer 2003: 212‒222).