Word order of adverbial subordinators within embedded clauses (Hungarian)

SuffAdvSb: The language uses suffixes as a means for embedded adverbial subordination that appear (directly or indirectly) after the verbal stem.

(1) kati el-men-t a piac-ra epr-et ven-ni.

Kati away-go-pst.3sg the market-sub strawberry-acc buy-inf

‘Kati went to the market to buy strawberries.’

(2) meg-beteged-vén kati nem men-t ma iskolá-ba.

pref-become_sick-conv Kati neg go-pst.3sg today school-ill

‘Kati did not go to school today because she got sick.’

(3) a könyv-et befejez-vén andrás el-alud-t.

the book-acc finish-conv András away-sleep-pst.3sg

‘Andras fell asleep after finishing the book.’

In Hungarian, adverbial subordinations (in temporal, spatial, modal, causal, and purpose functions) may also be expressed by infinitival (1) and participle constructions (2)–(3). In this case, the constructions do not entail conjunctions. This grammatical structure, however, is rare in contemporary Hungarian (cf. Kenesei et al. 1998: 55‒58, É. Kiss 2002: 221‒227). In previous states of the language, participles could get personal suffixes and case markers (cf. D. Mátai 2003a: 207‒210, Haader 2003: 260‒262). These forms (just like equivalent forms in related languages) were used as subordinating elements (4) but they are considered to be archaic in Modern Hungarian.

(4) jár-t-am-ban találkoz-t-am egy ismerős-sel.

walk-pst.ptc-1sg-ine meet-pst-1sg a friend-com

‘As I was walking, I met a friend.’


Nikolett F. Gulyás