RelN: The relative clause always or usually precedes the noun head.
NRel: The relative clause always or usually follows the noun head.
(1) a pihen-ő pingvin
the rest-prs.ptc penguin
‘the resting penguin’
(2) az a pingvin, amelyik pihen
det the penguin which rest.prs.3sg
‘the peguin, which is resting’
(3) a folyó túlpart-já-n lak-ó ember nagyon jó vadász.
the river other_side-3sg-sup live-prs.ptc man very good hunter
‘The man living on the other side of the river is a very good hunter.’
(4) az az ember,aki a folyó túlpart-já-n lak-ik, nagyon jó vadász.
det the man who the river other_side-3sg-sup live-prs.3sg very good hunter
‘The man, who lives on the other side of the river, is a very good hunter.’