Comitative and instrumental cases: [node:field-property] (Northern Mansi)

MixComInstr: Multiple strategies exist to express the comitative and instrumental functions. Although these strategies are regularly used to express both, at least one variant exists that can only be used to express either the comitative or instrumental.

(1) wās-ǝl χāp-e taγle pāχwt-ǝs-te.

duck-ins    boat-3sg full

’He filled up his boat with ducks.’(Popova 2001: 62)

(2) ōjka-m-tǝl               χumus        ūs-n         min-ēγǝm?

husband-1sg-ins how             town-lat     go-prs.1sg

’How can I go with my husband to the town?’

(3) *wās   jot     χāp-e           taγle   pāχwt-ǝs-te.

duck   - ins boat-3sg     full

’He filled up his boat with ducks.’ (S. D.)

(4) ōjka-m                    jot     χumus        ūs-n            min-ēγǝm?

husband-1sg            -ins how             town-lat     go-prs.1sg

‘How can I go with my husband to the town?’

There is a comitative and an instrumental case in Northern Mansi, which is expressed by the -ǝl/-tǝl (1–2) ending (Kálmán 1976, Riese 2001). The postposition (jot) can only mark the comitative argument (3–4).


Szilvia Németh