Demonstrative and personal pronouns in subject position (Northern Mansi)

PP~DemSubj: Although third ­person personal pronouns exist, they can always be substituted in subject position by demonstrative pronouns.

(1) xum ōl-ǝs. taw wōraj-aŋkwe min-as.
man be-pst.3sg he hunt-inf go-pst.3sg
‘There was a man. He went out to hunt.’ (T. M.)

(2) xum ōl-ǝs. ta wōraj-aŋkwe min-as.
man be-pst.3sg that hunt-inf go-pst.3sg
‘There was a man. He went out to hunt.’ (T. M.)

(3) xum-ǝt ōl-s-ǝt. tait wōraj-aŋkwe min-as-ǝt.
man-pl be-pst-3pl hunt-inf go-pst-3pl
‘There were some men. They went out to hunt.’ (T. M.)

In Northern Mansi, personal and demonstrative pronouns are separate categories (Rombandeeva 1973; Kálmán 1979; Riese 2001), but the demonstratives can substitute personal pronouns for animate subjects both if the subject is singular (1), (2) or plural (3).


Szilvia Németh