Epistemic possibility (Northern Mansi)

EpsPsblV: Epistemic possibility is expressed through the use of verb constructions.

(1) wōrajan χum-ǝt sāw lēŋen kāt-n patt-uŋkw wērmi-s-ǝt.
hunter man-pl lot squirrel hand-lat lead-inf able-pst-3pl
‘I think that the hunters killed a lot of squirrels.’ (S. D.)

(2) ti por-at sibir-t saka aśirmaγ ōl-uŋkwe wērmi.
this time-loc Siberia-loc very cold be-inf able.prs.3sg
‘At this time of the year, it could be very cold in Siberia.’ (S. D.)

In Northern Mansi, epistemic possibility is expressed by the infinitive of the main verb and the wērmi ‘able’ auxiliary (1-2).


Szilvia Németh