Marking of dependent content questions (Northern Mansi)

Cq: Dependent and independent content questions are structurally identical.

(1) taw mūjχōtpa-te tityγl-as-te, manaχ śos por-at tuw-joχt-ǝs.
He/she guest-3sg ask-pst-obj.3sg how_many hour time-loc there-come-pst.3sg
‘He/she asked the guest when he had arrived.’ (S. D.)

(2) manaχ śos por-at tuw-joχt-ǝs.
how_many hour time-loc there-come-pst.3sg
‘When did he arrive?’ (S. D.)

In Northern Mansi, dependent content questions (1) have the same structure as independent content questions and affirmatives (cf. (2)).


Szilvia Németh