Marking of function P on pronouns (Northern Mansi)

PAff: The function P is marked with affixation.

NoPMark: The function P is not explicitly marked, while S, A, or both are marked. P is therefore marked with a zero (∅) morpheme.

(1) taw χājtyγti.

he/she run_around.prs.3sg

‘He/she is running around.’ (S. D.)

(2) taw taj kinsi-te.

he/she that.acc search_for-prs.obj.3sg

‘He/she is looking for that.’ (S. D.)

(3) taw χotjut-n ti-tta-we.

he/she somebody-lat eat-caus-prs.pass.3sg

‘He/she is being fed.’ (S. D.)

Regarding patient marking in Northern Mansi, active and passive sentences have to be distinguished.

In active sentences, pronominal P’s are in their suppletive accusative forms, while the A is marked by a zero morpheme (2). In passive sentences, the A takes the -n lative–dative ending (3), while the patient is unmarked, thus the A and the P functions are morphologically distinguished in these constructions (Riese 2001).


Szilvia Németh