Situational possibility (Northern Mansi)

SitPsblV: Situational possibility is expressed through the use of verb constructions.

(1) vera pul-uŋkwe χās-i.
Vera swim-inf    can-prs.3sg
‘Vera can swim.’ (T. M.)

(2) vera pul-uŋkwe wērm-i.
Vera swim-inf is_able-prs.3sg
‘Vera is allowed to swim./ Vera can swim (because e.g. there is a lake here).’ (T. M.)

(3) ti      tūr-ǝt pul-uŋkwe rōw-i.

this   lake-loc swim-inf can-prs.3sg

‘It is allowed to swim in this lake (e.g. because no one is fishing in it)./ One can swim in this lake (e.g. because it is warm enough). (S. D.)


In Northern Mansi, situational possibility can be coded with the following infinitive + auxiliary constructions:

a) Expressing ability:

- infinitive of the main verb + the auxiliary χāsi ‘can/is able’ (1)

b) Expressing permission:

- infinitive of the main verb + the auxiliary wērmi ‘is able’ (2)

- infinitive of the main verb + the auxiliary rōwi ‘is possible’ (3)

c) Expressing the objective possibility of the event:

- infinitive of the main verb + the auxiliary wērmi ‘is able’ (2)

- infinitive of the main verb + the auxiliary rōwi ‘is possible’ (3)

Hence, it can be seen that the constructions containing the auxiliaries wērmi and rōwi can express both permission and circumstantial possibility.


Szilvia Németh