Word order of auxiliaries (Northern Mansi)

VAux: The auxiliary follows the main verb.

(1) taw matum ēkwa ōl-­uŋkwe pati.
she old woman be-­inf begin.prs.3sg
‘She is going to be an old woman.’ (S. D.)

(2) ānum-­n min-­uŋkwe ēri.
I-dat go-­inf must.prs.3sg
‘I must go.’(S. D.)

In Northern Mansi, some of the auxiliaries are conjugated just like typical verbs (e.g. the future marker pati ‘begin’) (1). Other auxiliaries, however, are not conjugated (e.g. the marker of situational necessity: ēri ‘must’) (2). It is true for both types that the auxiliary follows the main verb.


Szilvia Németh