Word order of negative morphemes (Northern Mansi)

NegV: The negative morpheme precedes the verb.

(1) χolǝm mān ūs-­n min-­ew.
tomorrow we town-lat go-­prs.1pl
‘We are going to the town tomorrow.’ (S. D.)

(2) χolǝm mān ūs-­n at min­-ew.
tomorrow we town-lat neg go-­prs.1pl
‘We are not going to the town tomorrow.’ (S. D.)

In Northern Mansi, the predicate is negated with the negative particle (cf. (1) and (2)), which always directly precedes the verb. Even if the verb has a prefix, the negative particle comes between the verbal prefix and the verb (Kálmán 1976:67­8).


Szilvia Németh