Aspect marking (Surgut Khanty)

PrefA: Aspect is expressed through the use of a special prefix.

SuffA: Aspect is expressed through the use of a special suffix.

RdpA: Aspect is expressed through the use of total reduplication.

(1a) ʌüw ńāń ʌīw.

he/she bread eat.pst.3sg

‘He/she ate bread.’

(1b) ʌüw ńāń noq ʌīw.

he/she bread up eat.pst.3sg

‘He/she ate the bread.’

(2a) ńēwrem jīs-əʌ.

child cry-prs.3sg

‘The child is crying.’

(2b) ńēwrem jīs-iʌ-əʌ.

child cry-freq-prs.3sg

‘The child is softly crying.’

(2c) jowin ńēwrem jīs-əmt-əɣ.

night child cry-mom-pst.3sg

‘The child cried up in the night.’

(3a) ʌüw ťi mən.

he/she lo go.pst.3sg

‘He/she is gone.’

(3b) ʌüw mən, mən.

he/she go.pst.3sg go.pst.3sg

‘He/she was just going and going.’

Aspect is expressed by lexical and morphological means in Surgut Khanty, but perfective and imperfective aspect is not marked systematically in the verbal morphology. Verbal prefixes code perfectivity (1a, 1b). Derivational suffixes can also mark aspect and aktionsart (2a, 2b, 2c). Permanent actions can be expressed by the reduplication of the verb (3a, 3b) (Gugán 2013).


Márta Csepregi