Demonstrative and personal pronouns in subject position (Surgut Khanty)

PP~DemSubj: Although third-person personal pronouns exist, they can always be substituted in subject position by demonstrative pronouns.

(1a) īki säsəɣ wär-ʌ. ʌüw lük wäʌ-tə kič-əʌ waʌ-ʌ.

man trap make-prs.3sg he capercaillie kill-prs.ptc wish-3sg have-prs-3sg

’The man is making a trap. He would like to catch a capercaillie.’ (L. N. K.)

(1b) īki säsəɣ wär-ʌ. tēmi/tomi lük wäʌ-tə kič-əʌ waʌ-ʌ

man trap make-prs.3sg this/that capercaillie kill-prs.ptc wish-3sg have-prs-3sg

’The man is making a trap. He would like to catch a capercaillie.’ (L. N. K.)

(2a) āmp-ət rɔ̄pəs-taɣə jəɣ-ət. ʌəɣ kēm nürəɣt-ət.

dog-pl bark-inf start.pst-3pl they out run.pst-3pl

’The dogs started barking. They ran out.’ (L. N. K.)

(2b) āmp-ət rɔ̄pəs-taɣə jəɣ-ət. tēmi-t/tomi-t kēm nürəɣt-ət.

cog-pl bark-inf start.pst-3pl this-pl/that-pl out run.pst-3pl

’The dogs started barking. They ran out.’ (L. N. K.)

(3a) mīša kāt qɔ̄t-ɣən taj-aʌ. ʌin ɔ̄sqaʌ-ɣən.

Misha two house-du possess-prs.3sg they_two old-du

’Misha has two houses. They are old.’ (L. N. K.)

(3b) mīša kāt qɔ̄t-ɣən taj-aʌ. ťūt-ɣən ɔ̄sqaʌ-ɣən.

Misha two house-du possess-prs.3sg that-du old-du

’Misha has two houses. Those are old.’ (L. N. K.)

In Surgut Khanty, the subject nouns can be substituted by personal pronouns in the third person (1a), (2a), (3a), regardless of the animacy of agent. Instead of the personal pronoun, the demonstrative pronouns can be used in anaphoric situations. The demonstrative pronouns can appear in their singular, dual and plural forms alike (1b), (2b), (3b).


Márta Csepregi