Distributive numerals (Surgut Khanty)

WN(DN): A special word, including particles and prepositions, can appear before the numeral within either a nominal or verbal head.

Suf(DN)(V): A special suffix, or special suffixes, can attach to the stem only within verbal heads.

(1) mīša-ɣən sāša-ɣən qō-qō qōʌəm wāsəɣ qɔ̄ləmtəq-qən.

Misha-du Sasha-du man man pcl three duck kill-pst.3du

‘Misha and Sasha killed three ducks each.’ (L. N. K.)

(2) ńēwrem-ət qō-qō əj-kāt maw-at məj-at.

child-pl man man pcl one two candy-ins give.pst-pass.3pl

‘Each child was given maximum one or two candies.’ (L. N. K.)

(3) paqi-t wät-əʌta əj karopka-ɣa panʌə-ʌ-əw.

doll-pl five-dist one box-lat put-prs-1pl

‘Five dolls are put in each box.’ (L. N. K.)

In Surgut Khanty, if the head of a numeral is a noun, the distributive meaning is not expressed by the numeral but by the reduplication of the word ‘man, person’ and the particle ‘together, each’ before the numeral (1)–(2). If the head of the distributive phrase is a verb, the numeral takes the -ʌta ending (3). (Karjalainen–Vértes 1964: 239.)


Márta Csepregi