Habitive constructions (Surgut Khanty)

HabPossTrns: The possessor is the functional and/or grammatical subject, the possessed is the direct object of a transitive verb expressing possession. These verbs can often be traced back to words referring to physical inspection or handling. This type is known as the ‘have’ possessive.

(1a) mīša toŋkə jəm rӯt taj-aʌ.

Misha very good boat possess-prs.3sg

‘Misha has a very good boat.’

(1b) mīša-nə toŋkə jəm rӯt taj-ʌ-i.

Misha-loc very good boat possess-prs-pass.3sg

‘Misha has a very good boat.’

(2) toŋkə jəm rӯt taj-ʌ-əm.

I very good boat possess-prs-1sg

‘I have a very good boat.’

In Surgut Khanty, the verb denoting possessive relationship is taj­ ‘possess’. Its subject is the possessor and the object specifies the possessed entity. Since the object is not marked in Surgut Khanty, two nominative nouns appear next to each other in habitive sentences (1a). In order to avoid confusion, the passive construction is often used to distinguish the subject by attaching a locative suffix to it (1b). The verb taj- ‘possess’ can be conjugated (2).


Márta Csepregi