Marking of the recipient (Surgut Khanty)

NPPobl: The recipient is obligatorily marked by the explicit use of the noun or an independent pronoun, but other strategies also exist.

Agr: The recipient is marked by morphosyntactic verb agreement.

(1a) āŋki ńēwrem-əʌ ńāń-at mə-ʌ.

mother child-3sg bread-ins give-prs.3sg

’The mother is giving bread to her child.’ (L. N. K.)

(1b) āŋki ʌüw-at ńāń-at mə-ʌ-təɣ.

mother (s)he-acc bread-ins give-prs.obj.3sg

’The mother is giving bread to her.’ (L. N. K.)

(2a) āŋki ńēwrem-a ńāń mə-ʌ.

mother child-lat bread give-prs.3sg

’The mother is giving bread to the child.’ (L. N. K.)

(2b) āŋki ʌüwati-ja ńāń mə-ʌ.

mother (s)he-dat bread give-prs.3sg

’The mother is giving bread to her.’ (L. N. K.)

(3a) āŋki-nə ńēwrem ńāń-at mə-ʌ-i.

mother-loc child bread-ins give-prs-pass.3sg

’The mother is giving bread to the child.’ (L. N. K.)

(3b) āŋki-nə ńāń-at mə-ʌ-oj-əm.

mother-loc I bread-ins give-prs-pass-1sg

’The mother is giving bread to me.’ (L. N. K.)

In Surgut Khanty, ditransitive verbs have two argument structures. In the typical construction, the nominal recipient takes the accusative form, while the object is marked with the -*at instructive-finalis suffix. With nouns, the accusative is identical to the nominative (1a); pronouns, in turn, do have their specific accusative form (1b). In a specific informational environment, if the object, whether in nominative or accusative, is an already known entity, verbal congruence can take place, i.e. the verb appears in its determinate conjugation form (1b). The issue requires further investigation.

In the other construction, which occurs at a lesser frequency, it is the T that stands in accusative, while the R takes some directional ending: with nouns, the -a lative or -nam approximative (2a); personal pronouns, in turn, take the dative (2b).

In Surgut Khanty, passive constructions are also frequently used for ditransitive verbs. With them, the recipient, being the subject, is in the nominative and the verbal suffix is coreferent with it (3a), (3b). In such a construction, the agent is marked with the locative ending (-nə), while the T is displayed with an instructive-finalis suffix.


Márta Csepregi