Person marking on adpositions in personal pronominal function (Surgut Khanty)

AdpPPPM: Person marking is required on personal pronominal adpositions.

(1) pūpi čēwer kīńťa wökkəŋ.

bear rabbit than strong

‘A bear is stronger than a rabbit.’

(2) pūpi məŋ kīńťa-ɣəw wökkəŋ.

bear we than-1pl strong

‘A bear is stronger than us.’

(3) ürəkk-am

I except-1sg

‘except for me’

(4) nīn jot-in

you.du with-2du

‘with the two of you’

(5) ʌüw paγ-əʌ qūťŋ-əʌ-a ūmət-təγ.

(s)he boy-3sg close-3sg-lat make_to_sit-pst.3sg

‘(S)he made his / her son sit next to him/her.’

In Surgut Khanty, if the argument of the postposition is a noun, it does not take personal suffixes (1). However, if the argument of the postposition is a personal pronoun, it is compulsory to mark the postposition with a coreferent personal suffix (2)–(5). Case suffixes with adverbial meaning are attached to the personal suffix, and the personal suffix is attached directly to the stem of the postposition (5).


Márta Csepregi