Situational necessity (Surgut Khanty)

SitDeonV: Situational necessity is expressed through the use of verb constructions.

(1) īttən wēra-ɣa jaqə-n waʌ-taɣə mɔ̄s-ʌ.

evening Vera-lat home-loc be-inf have_to-prs.3sg

‘In the evening, Vera has to be at home.’ (L. N. K.)

(2) īttən wēra-ɣa jaqə-n waʌ-taɣə mūstə-ʌ.

evening Vera-lat home-loc be-inf have_to-prs.3sg

‘In the evening, Vera has to be at home.’ (L. N. K.)

In Surgut Khanty, situational necessity is expressed by two auxiliaries (which have the same etymology) and the infinitive of the main verb. Objective necessity is denoted by mɔ̄s-, while moral obligation is expressed by mūstə-.


Márta Csepregi