Word order of auxiliaries (Surgut Khanty)

VAux: The auxiliary follows the main verb.

(1a) mīša wɔ̄č-nam mən-taɣə jə-ʌ.

Misha town-apr go-inf start-prs.3sg

‘Misha is going to the town.’

(1b) mīša wɔ̄č-nam mən-taɣə pit-ʌ.

Misha town-apr go-inf fall-prs.3sg

‘Misha is going to the town.’

(2) mīša-ɣa wɔ̄č-nam mən-taɣə mɔ̄s-ʌ.

Misha-dat town-apr go-inf must-prs.3sg

‘Misha has to go to the town.’

In Surgut Khanty, future is expressed by the present tense form of the verb, but it is also possible to use complex verb forms (the future tense in contemporary grammars). In these constructions, the verbs jә­- ‘become, begin’ and pit- ‘fall, begin’ are in auxiliary functions (1a), (1b). The conjugated verb form is generally at the end of the clause in Surgut Khanty, thus the auxiliary follows the infinitive of the main verb. The modal auxiliary mɔ̄s­- ‘must’ also follows the main verb (2).


Márta Csepregi