Word order of purposive constructions (Surgut Khanty)

PCV: The purpose complement generally precedes the main event.

VPC: The purpose complement generally follows the main event.

(1) mīša qūʌ kənč-čaɣə mən.

Misha fish search-inf go.pst.3sg

‘Misha went fishing.’

(2) mīša wɔ̄č-nam mən, lēli-ʌ-nat ńūʌ wū-tə pətan.

Misha town-apr go.pst.3sg brother-3sg-com together see-inf because

‘Misha went to the town to visit his brother.’ (L. N. K.)

In Surgut Khanty, the purpose clause typically precedes the verb (1), but it can also follow it (2).


Márta Csepregi