Case inflection on numerals (Synja Khanty)

AdNumNoCase: Adnominal numerals are not inflected. (No numeral agreement.)

PronNum=NCase: Pronominal numerals are inflected the same as the nouns they replace.

(1) miša xūlǝm uli-ja ńāń tū-l.

Misha three reindeer-lat bread bring-prs.3sg

‘Misha is bringing bread to three reindeers.’

(2) miša xūlm-a ńāń tū-l.

Misha three-lat bread bring-prs.3sg

‘Misha is bringing bread to three of them.’

In Synja Khanty, the numeral adjunct is not agreed with its head noun (1) (Honti 1984: 92‒93), but pronominal numerals take case-marking suffixes (S. O., F. L.).


Nikolett F. Gulyás