Marking of polar questions (Synja Khanty)

PhonInt: Polar questions appear in the same word order as their declarative equivalents and are marked exclusively by intonation.

(1a) naŋ mēt-s-ǝn.

you tired-pst-2sg

‘You are tired.’ (S. O.)

(1b) naŋ mēt-s-ǝn?

you tired-pst-2sg

‘Are you tired?’ (S. O.)

(2a) lānt-en jēč-ǝs.

soup-2sg finish-pst.3sg

‘The soup is ready.’ (S. O.)

(2b) lānt-en jēč-ǝs?

soup-2sg finish-pst.3sg

‘Is the soup ready?’ (S. O.)

(3a) lapka-ja jāx-s-ǝn.

shop-lat walk-pst-2sg

‘You have been to the shop.’ (S. O.)

(3b) lapka-ja jāx-s-ǝn?

shop-lat walk-pst-2sg

‘Have you been to the shop?’ (S. O.)

In Synja Khanty, polar questions differ from affirmatives in their rising–falling intonation contour. Concerning their word order and morphological marking, affirmatives and polar questions are identical (Honti 1984: 88‒89).


Nikolett F. Gulyás