Word order of adverbial subordinators within embedded clauses (Synja Khanty)

SuffAdvSb: The language uses suffixes as a means for embedded adverbial subordination that appear (directly or indirectly) after the verbal stem.

(1) āmp ēʟti paltami-man miša jūx-a xūŋxəmt-əs.

dog from afraid-conv Misha tree-lat climb-pst.3sg

’Misa climbed up the tree, because he got frightened by the dog.’ (F. L.)

(2) sopek lūt-ti-ja miša wɔ̄š-a man-s.

boot take-inf-lat Misha town-lat go-pst.3sg

‘Misha went to the town to buy boots.’ (S. O.)

(3) miša joxi loŋ-ǝm-ǝn maša kim ēta-s.

Misha home enter-pst.ptc-loc Masha out exit-pst.3sg

‘When Misa arrived home, Masa left.’ (S. O.)

(4) ńāwrem-ǝt il ol-te-l jūpijn, liza ān-lal lɔ̄xǝt-ǝs.

child-pl away sleep-ptc.prs-3sg after Liza plate-pl.3sg wash-pst.3sg

‘After the children went to bed, Liza washed the dishes.’ (S. O.)

In Synja Khanty, embedded subordination is constructed with infinitives (2), participles (3)–(4) and converbs (1), without any conjunction (S.  O.,  F.  L.).


Nikolett F. Gulyás